

Lankaran is one of the oldest settlements in Azerbaijan. Facts confirmed by archeologists state that the area was inhabited from the Bronze Age. Because of the linkages between the East and the West such as the silk route, Lankaran continued to grow as a major stopover point for caravan routes. In 1742, the Talish Khanate moved its capital to Lankaran. From antiquity, people throughout Lankaran have been involved in animal husbandry, horticulture, aquaculture, and sericulture. Trades such as blacksmithing, coppersmithing, pottery, and weaving are key cultural traditions throughout Lankaran. Blacksmith, copper-smith, pottery and other trades were widely spread in Lankaran. Since the Khanate established its capitol in Lankaran, there was a great surge in trade relations between Iran, Turkey, Russia, China, India, Pakistan, and Central Asia. With the signing of the "Gulustan Treaty" in 1829 between Russia and Persia, Northern Azerbaijan was occupied by Russia. With the Russian occupation, people took the lead in the development of several new industries in Lankaran such as viniculture, ceramics, and brick making, and aided in creating trade ties between Lankaran and Russia. Through this exchange, Lankran strengthened its cultural roots, and its scientific, educational, health, and industrial bases.

The winters are cool, but there is not very much precipitation from December to March
The spring in Lankaran is beautiful allowing people to take a long neglected walk along the seaside
The summer in Lankaran is hot, but it is quite beautiful during the morning and the evening
The fall stay quite warm during the day, but at night it gets a bit cool

The population of the city of Lankaran ( is 48,400. The population of the district was 196,156 by January 2004. Among them, 58,937 people live in the cities, 20,284 in the settlements and 116,935 in the villages. The density of population 127.5 person per 1 km2 is 40% more than republic level. The ratio of woman to men per 100 citizens is 49/51. The number of population increases by the natural growth. During the last years, the number of population has increased by 9.8 thousand person or 5.3%. The region is well endowed by labor resources. The number of working people is 82,339. It is 73.3% of the economical active parts of population. 3.2% of working people are busy in branches of industries and constructions, 73.8% in agriculture, and 23% in different fields of production and services. Except the local people, 519 refugees, and displaced people. Half of the population of Lankaran is comprised of ethnic Talish.


Lankaran is in a very beautiful part of Azerbaijan. It lies in the South-East of the country. Lankaran is in one of the five natural geographical regions of Azerbaijan. The territory of Lankaran region borders on the Kur-Araz lowland in the North and the Caspian Sea in the South-East. It is surrounded by the Astara, Masalli and Lerik rayons. According to the relief, the territory consists mainly of plains and partly mountainous and it becomes narrow to the South. The highest point in Lankaran is 200 meters in the foothills and the lowest point in Lankaran is 28 meters below sea level by the Caspian coast. The distance between Lankaran and Baku is 268 km.